From the small town of Morristown, Tennessee, Chance Cansler, junior economics major, came to MTSU with 27 credit hours and ready to make a difference on his campus.
That’s why he’s now running for SGA president.
Cansler served on freshman council his first year of college and took a break from SGA his second year to focus on academics and meeting new people.
If elected, he plans to bring a more approachable aspect to the position.
“I would love to make SGA for the students. To make it an organization that really helps MTSU students,” he said in an interview. “And more than just a social club.”
His goals are to keep SGA small, keep MTSU the most affordable university in the state, reform communications and increase transparency in SGA.
Cansler believes students should vote for him because he is honest and doesn’t paint a picture that’s misleading.
“The same guy you meet on the street is the same guy you will see in the office,” he said.
Although Cansler has not been involved in SGA for the past year, he feels his experience studying politics and the SGA constitution qualifies him for the job.
His slogan is “Here’s a chance, take a chance, vote for Chance.”
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