Columns from the orginal houses on MTSU's Greek Row. Photo by Max Smith MTSU Sidelines News Editor
Two homecoming banners were stolen from two Greek Row houses last weekend, according campus police reports.
The banners, stolen from the Sigma Nu and Chi Omega houses, were reported missing within hours of one another. The banners were hanging directly in front of both buildings.
Freshman Reese Osborne reported a banner missing from the front porch of the Sigma Nu house on Sunday, September 21. Osborne told police that he had seen three men acting suspiciously in the northern section of the parking lot late Saturday night, but “went back about his business,” according to the report.
The banner reportedly had “Leann” with a crowdn painted on it. The banner is estimated to be worth about $50.
The same day, senior Megan Hale reported a banner missing at 8:10 p.m. from the Chi Omega house. The banner hung from two trees in front of the house and was last seen during a sorority meeting.
The banner was reportedly cut down from the trees between midnight Sunday morning and 7 p.m.
The sign was described as a plastic 5 feet tall by 10 feet wide banner with a photo of Hale. Hale estimated the banner to be about $150, according to the report.
Police have no suspects in either case.
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To contact news editors Max Smith and Meagan White, email [email protected]