"Sidelines FM" airs weekly on WMTS 88.3 Murfreesboro. (FILE/WMTS)
On this week’s edition of “Sidelines FM,” special guests Motiongazer dropped by for a brief interview and performance.
Motiongazer is a Nashville indie rock group with their latest album, II, will be released in November. Stream their releases here.
We began the show with “Feel the Pain” by Dinosaur Jr. We covered frontman J. Mascis’s Exit/In performance last week.
We also featured tracks from one of our favorite acts at the Louder Than Life Festival, Stone Temple Pilots, and Radiohead, whose frontman Thom Yorke recently released a new solo album.
Stream our playlist below via Spotify:
“Sidelines FM” airs Monday afternoons from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on WMTS 88.3 Murfreesboro can be streamed weekly here.
For more updates, follow us at www.mtsusidelines.com, on Facebook at MTSU Sidelines and on Twitter/Instagram at @Sidelines_Life.
To contact Lifestyles editor John Connor Coulston, email [email protected]