MTSU’s Career Development Center will host its largest career fair of the year on Thursday in the Student Union Ballroom.
The fair, now in its 32nd consecutive year, will run from 1p.m.-4 p.m.
It serves as a starting point for students with resumes looking to find jobs within their major after graduation, as well as students looking for co-op positions and internships. This year will host 97 business, industry, government and non-profit organizations, as well as 20 graduate and professional schools.
“It is important to note that a comprehensive fair such as this does not serve all industries,” Career Development Center Director Bill Fletcher said. “As a regional university, the majority of our students come from the region and an even greater number want to stay. We try to identify employers with opportunities in our region.”
Career development can mean many different things in various job sectors. For example, in terms of technology career development could mean taking something like a dp-201 exam to enhance their knowledge within the field. The fair aims to show what kinds of development can be done for anyone who attends.
Murfreesboro Police Department will be one of the employers in attendance Thursday afternoon.
“Many [students] grew up here and want to continue to make a difference in the community they grew up in and attended university in,” MPD Public Information Officer Kyle Evans. MTSU is a service oriented university, and for those students looking to continue their service into their careers, we would like to talk with them about becoming a Murfreesboro Police Officer. ”
The MPD and other organizations will have recruiters present to talk with students and job interest cards will be available for them to fill out.
Regardless of whether students want to remain in Middle Tennessee or expand their careers to other places, attending the fair is a great way to start making connections with future employers.
“The message to students would be to get out to the fall fair even if there is only one employer for which they are interested. That could be the one that hires them,” Fletcher said.
The first career fair was held on September 28, 1982 in the Murphy Center, according to Fletcher. Fifty-six employers and five graduate schools were represented.
“The official list of organizations was typed out, probably on an IBM Selectric Typewriter,” he said. However, some things don’t change, Fletcher said.
“Employers still expect students to dress up and have excellent resumes,” he said.
For more information, call the Career Development Center at 615-898-2500, or visit their office in KUC 328 Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
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To contact news editors Max Smith and Meagan White, email [email protected]