Veterans raising awareness of the high rate of suicide among veterans at Murfreesboro square. Photo by Sarah Taylor Staff Writer MTSU Sidelines
On Wednesday, a group of around 40 people gathered in Murfreesboro to spread awareness about the exceptionally high incidence of suicide among veterans.
Matthew O’Dell, owner of Reveille Joe Coffee Co., started organizing monthly gatherings on the square in August. On the 22nd of each month, the group stands and holds handmade signs that memorialize the estimated 8,000 veterans that kill themselves per month in the United States and offer encouragement to those still struggling with post-traumatic stress disordert and depression.
“Being out here helps remind people that someone cares. If we can wave or smile to the right person, I know we will make an impact,” O’Dell said.
Members of the group held signs with slogans like “I Am a Veteran,” “Not Alone” and “PTSD Can Turn Your Life Upside Down,” often alongside the number 22–the average number of veterans who commit suicide each day in America.
O’Dell is a veteran himself. The name of his shop, “reveille,” comes from the early morning bugle call used on military bases. Lining the sidewalk today, however, was an open assortment of veterans, their families, and concerned citizens.
“When I started doing these, I thought I would just be the one crazy dude out here with signs, but now it’s developed into a sizable group spreading awareness and encouragement,” O’Dell said.
At first blush, the image of a group of people standing around a government building holding signs carries the implication of a political demonstration, but O’Dell assures that he and his group are not protesters.
“We are not protesters. Protesters want somebody else to fix a problem; we want to fix it ourselves,” O’Dell said. “We want to encourage people who need it, and encourage those who don’t to pass it on.”
“There are plenty of locals and loved ones battling depression, and we need to recognize that it is not easy,” O’Dell said. “I have been in the military. I have been in combat. However, the only battle I got in that I couldn’t handle was depression.”
PTSD is, unfortunately, a very common affliction for war veterans, as well as traumatized adults and children. It is not limited to flashbacks and nightmares as popular media likes to depict it. Often sufferers have incredible feelings of anxiety, avoidance of certain people or places, as well as an aversion to ordinary sounds and smells.
Many veterans find it hard to talk about their symptoms and experiences, and often avoid getting help or treatment. As a result, they often suffer high rates of depression, suicide, anger, and physical violence. Thanks to the work of people like Matthew O’Dell, more and more people have started opening up about PTSD and lessening the stigma around the condition and its treatment.
There are many kinds of medications and therapies available for PTSD that have previously been avoided due to perceived ideas such as that taking treatments “show weakness”. Nowadays war vets are more willing to take CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and veterans in the Netherlands have been more open about using CBD olie kopen (cannabis oil) to help soothe anxiety attacks.
MTSU has repeatedly been recognized by publications like Military Times and G.I. Jobs magazine as one of the top college destinations for veterans.
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