Pictured left to right: Kelsey Young, Aaliyah Roberts, David Hasty, Sean Picklesimer Photo by Sarah Taylor MTSU Sidelines Staff Writer
Alpha Chi Omega sorority and Sigma Pi fraternity held a canned food drive for the MTSU food pantry Wednesday, November 5 through Friday, November 7.
Members of both the fraternity and sorority manned tables, receiving nonperishable food donations from MTSU students to help locals in need.
The MTSU food pantry reaches out to students in need with donations of dry goods. The food pantry is located in the MT One Stop 2nd floor of the Student Services and Admissions Center.
At the end of the day Thursday, the group had already collected several hundred food items for MTSU’s food pantry, and were optimistic about the time they had left.
“I think this is something people can get passionate about helping because it helps locals in need,” Alpha Chi Omega sophomore Aaliyah Roberts said.
The group will be on the first floor of the Student Union Building again on Friday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
For more information or a complete list of needs and donation opportunities, visit http://www.mtsu.edu/foodpantry/
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To contact news editor Meagan White, email [email protected]