A homeowner renovating his Jackson Street residence arrived to find his water heater and a circular saw had been stolen over the weekend, according to Murfreesboro Police. Although this is only a small theft compared to some others you hear about, it’s still a serious matter which deserves the same attention as bigger crimes. After spending money renovating his home, it’s likely the homeowner will be disappointed to have to spend more to cover the costs of the items stolen from him. The stolen circular saw was rated one of the best circular saws in 2019, so the homeowner was understandably gutted. Not only will he need to replace that, he’ll also be back to the basics of searching on a water heater reviews site to replace the heater which has been stolen from his property.
Juan Morales-Rodriguez called the police to advise that the dead-bolted and chained backdoor to the home and been broken into between the time he left the home at 6 p.m. Saturday and when he returned around 10:45 p.m. on Monday.
Morales-Rodriguez also advised police that the thief left the water running in one of the back rooms after leaving with the water heater, causing one room to flood. This is so unfortunate for Morales-Rodriguez, he’ll most likely have to purchase another water heater now. He could even consider asking a company like Sarkinen Plumbing in Vancouver, WA to install it for him so he doesn’t risk any further water damage to his home. Making sure someone reliable installs his water heater is important, as water damage can be awful to sort out and can have future problems for the house (such as mold in the walls). He’ll also need to contact someone to help him sort out the flooding in one of his back rooms.
He told police he was not sure when the break-in could have occurred or how long the water had been left running. It had obviously been running for a while if it managed to flood the back room of his house.
Also stolen from the property were two 40-feet sections of chain-link fence.
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To contact news editor Meagan White, email [email protected]