Indie-pop group CRUISR will be opening for The 1975 at Track 29 in Chattanooga, Tenn. on Nov. 28, 2014. (FILE/CRUISR)
by Jay-Michael Wilson, MTSU Sidelines Contributing Writer
Philadelphia-based indie-pop band CRUISR will open for English rock band The 1975 at Chattanooga’s Track 29 on Friday night.
CRUISR began as a solo project of vocalist and guitarist Andy States that rapidly formed to a full band. After gaining attention with CRUISR’s debut EP All Over, he quickly realized that he needed a full band to help translate his songs to the stage.
“I got help from a producer and started putting [the EP] out on a bunch of blogs and started getting some attention,” States said in a recent phone interview with Sidelines. “A few labels were calling me and they were asking, ‘What’s your live situation like?’ and I didn’t really have anyone at the time. So I pulled together [drummer Jonathon Van Dine] and [he] knew our bassist, Kyle [Cook] and then we later added Bruno [Catrambone on guitar.] One man band turned full band.”
The band’s infectious, upbeat indie-pop sound leaves good vibes ringing through your ears.
“We listen to all kinds of stuff,” States said. “I think when I started the band I was really into Beach Boys and The Everly Brothers. But our inspiration isn’t that direct, we have a lot of newer music that is out, anything from Captured Tracks [artists to] beach-pop, stuff like that.”
Since they are currently on the road with The 1975, CRUISR chose not to write new music and focus on their live performances.
“We are just trying to get our feel legs,” States said with a laugh. “We’re just starting to get into the swing of things now. I’m really enjoying it.”
“The tour has been really fun; the first week is definitely exhausting because it was something new and different,” Van Dine added. “We’ve adjusted. I think it’s a lot more smooth everyday; setting up and sound checking, all that. We have relationships with everyone, The 1975, the crew, all that. It’s really cool.”
When asked about how is it touring with The 1975, States seemed very enthusiastic with his answer.
“It’s f*****g awesome!” he said. “We are privileged to get to watch them and do their thing. Not only [is] their performance and their show… is kind of really inspiring to watch but also all the back hand stuff that goes into it. Watching the crew everyday it’s just, I wanna say like a well-oiled machine. We interact a lot with them and their crew, and we’re starting to become friends.”
CRUISR is a humble and appreciative band, and they’ve worked hard to get where they are today. They take everyday as a new experience and it only makes talking with them much more enjoyable.
“I would say the number one advice I could give anyone is try to be in as many places as possible,” States said. “Half the battle is making great music; the other half is getting people to hear it. I think when people start to prioritize that, I think that will help them a lot.”
CRUISR’s EP “All Over” is out now. They will be supporting The 1975 at their Nov. 28 show at Track 29 in Chattanooga.
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