Us and Them will perform Pink Floyd's "The Dark Side of the Moon" Monday, Dec. 1, 2014 in MTSU's Tucker Theatre. The band is comprised primarily of MTSU faculty and students. (FILE/MTSU)
Pink Floyd tribute band Us and Them will perform the iconic 1973 album The Dark Side of The Moon at Tucker Theatre at 7 p.m. tonight.
Us and Them includes Director of Recording Industry Dale Brown and recording industry professors Bill Crabtree and Cosette Collier. The show features performances by keyboard player John Nichols, Amy Harris-Brown and Candace Warner, along with graduate students James Ducey and Sarah Bailey.
“For me and for everyone else in the group, recreating Dark Side of the Moon was like riding the roller coaster you’ve heard about all your life,” Brown said.
Brown said the group did a “very meticulous” study of how Pink Floyd created the album, what they captured and then recreated it.
“I just hope [the audience] enjoys our enjoyment of recreating the show,” Brown said. “If they say ‘They did a really great job’ to me that means we did our job right.”
Tonight’s event is free and open to the public.
MTSU Sidelines Staff Writer Blake Jennings contributed to this report.
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