Murfreesboro’s Center for the Arts has released their 2015 schedule of performances and art exhibitions.
This year’s productions include The Music Man, West Side Story, Bonnie & Clyde, White Christmas and the currently running Wizard of Oz. Audition dates for each production can be found at the Center’s website.
Check out the full production schedule below:
On the art side of things, 2015 promises a wide variety of exhibitions for the Center. Topics range from “Tennessee Folk Artists” and “Stars of Vaudeville and Silent Film” to “Lasers and Stuff.”
See the full schedule below:
For more information, visit the Murfreesboro Center for the Arts website at www.boroarts.org.
Follow John Connor Coulston on Twitter at @JCCoulston.
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To contact Lifestyles editor John Connor Coulston, email [email protected]