Ice has covered parking lots and trees across campus after a winter weather advisory left the university closed on Monday, Feb. 16. (RJ Estrella/MTSU Sidelines)
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – Weather forecasters are urging motorists across most of Tennessee to stay off roads unless it’s an absolute emergency.
A wintry mix of sleet and freezing rain on Monday is expected to create up to a half-inch of ice on roads in parts of Middle Tennessee, and three-quarters of an inch in parts of West Tennessee.
The storm has caused the cancellation of some flights, and shutdown businesses and colleges. There has been some damage caused by falling trees so people are reminded to get a Clovis tree service to prune, trim, or remove any trees that could cause issues like this. There are also fears of flooding occurring if the wet weather continues.
Justyn Jackson is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Nashville. He says the storm is expected to move out of most of Tennessee by Monday evening.
However, forecasters expect what’s on the ground to stick around most of the week, with temperatures not expected to get above freezing for most of the state until Saturday.
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To contact news editor Meagan White, email [email protected].