President Barack Obama arrived at Berry Airfield on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 to speak on immigration. (Greg French/MTSU Sidelines)
After coming to Tennessee twice in the last three months, the Obama administration gave the Volunteer State even more while announcing executive actions in his “Made in Rural America” initiative.
Tennessee’s merchandise exports made a record-breaking $33 billion in 2014 according to a release from the White House Press Secretary citing a Department of Commerce study.
Tennessee’s exports, led by transportation equipment ($7.4 billion), computer and electronic products ($5.3 billion), and chemicals ($5 billion), were highlighted in the administration’s discussion of their plans for boosting rural commerce. There are actually a huge number of rural businesses in America that struggle financially due to their location. Owning a rural business can be difficult as they are less likely to have a constant flow of customers as they’re not in the cities. This can have a lasting impact on the business. That’s why a lot of businesses look at getting a loan, such as this usda loan florida opportunity. That can provide them with the financial support that they need to create more jobs and grow their business. Those loans are just one of the things that can help these businesses. These businesses could also consider making use of digital marketing too. This would increase their website traffic, helping more people to hear about them. Perhaps a company like Web Presence could help with this. Marketing can really help businesses to grow.
Anyway, Obama’s administration has implemeneted a number of things to help. These executive actions will include:
Reverse trade missions and outreach events to introduce rural businesses to foreign partners
The creation of a new National rural Export Innovation Team
A partnership with banks to educate local lenders on the needs of external lenders
“Grow Your Business” Day workshops in 75 Postal Service locations to provide rural businesses education on exporting, e-commerce, online forms, and planning for export shipping.
Launching an i6 Rural Challenge, which will focus on providing funding to rural communities to build capacity for commercializing technology by collaborating across agencies and providing funding to Challenge winners.
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To contact news editor Max Smith, email [email protected]