The nearing of the spring semester always calls for a major event on campus – Student Government Association elections. Madison Tracy was elected as Vice President of Marketing during the previous election.
While campaigning, Tracy said she learned that a lot of students had little to no knowledge of their student government.
“Many students weren’t aware we existed,” she explained. “Or if they did they had no idea of what we really do.”
This summer, while interning in Washington D.C., Tracy worked hard on generating ideas to make SGA more transparent to the student body.
Some ideas Tracy plans to implement this year include student appreciation week (starting November 16), ordering new SGA merchandise to pass out to students and a new initiative for senators to meet with student organizations to generate feedback and student involvement.
Tracy notes that she is most proud of an idea she calls Humans of MTSU. Her take on the original Humans of New York, Tracy hopes to share stories of students to remind her senators whom they represent. This initiative also gives the student body a chance to hear stories from their fellow classmates.
Already on Facebook and Instagram, Tracy plans to represent a different student group every day.
“I hope to use this to show love and appreciation to all our different student groups,” she said.
For more SGA news, follow us at www.mtsusidelines.com, on Facebook at MTSU Sidelines and on Twitter at @MTSUSidelines
To contact News Editor Sarah Grace Taylor, email [email protected]