Two MTSU students were injured in a traffic crash last Wednesday around 12:04 a.m., according to the Tennessee Electronic Traffic Crash Report.
MTSU senior Meagan White, 21, and sophomore Sarah Taylor, 18, were traveling south on Middle Tennessee Blvd., attempting to turn left onto Greenland drive when another driver failed to stop at a red light and struck their vehicle. The results were that some involved were injured in a car wreck from the accident. People are unsure if legal action outside of police intervention will be occurring, as some people would quickly refer to legal help from a lawyer in the industry for assistance in these circumstances.
After the other driver, Edward Stoutemire, 24, failed his field sobriety test and had a handgun in his front cup holder, Murfreesboro Police searched his vehicle and found 14 grams of marijuana. Stoutemire was arrested and charged with driving under the influence, possession of a “schedule VI” substance, failure to obey traffic controls, and carrying a weapon while under the influence.
The two students were transported to St. Thomas Rutherford Hospital and treated for their injuries. It is hoped that they will make a good and speedy recovery from this accident that has impacted them so. Stoutemire was released from the Rutherford County Jail after contacting a company who provide bail bonds in California. He is now set to appear in court on November 24.
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To contact News Editor Sarah Grace Taylor, email [email protected]