MTSU student Jessica Shotwell fills out information to vote on Nov. 4 at Murfreesboro's smallest voting precinct location, Bud's Tire Pros. Photo by Samantha Hearn.
By Ashlyn Woods // Contributing Writer | Photo by Samantha Hearn // Sidelines Archive
The American Democracy Project commission is now holding student voter registration until Feb. 1 at Harrison House, which is located at 1416 East Main St. beside the campus police station.
“Anyone can come to our office,” said Mary Evins, who locally coordinates the American Democracy Project. “We have forms they can fill out right there, and we will guide you through how to fill it out. Then you can leave it with us and we will deliver it.
Evins said that students can register to vote until mid-day Feb. 1, but the best time to do register would be any day next week before 4:30 pm.
“They don’t need to bring anything to register, but they do need to know their social security number,” she said. “Registering requires nothing more than filling out a form.”
She said the registration deadline is approaching quickly, and that the time frame to get forms completed is a very “narrow window.”
“We recommend that students register where they sleep, because people just do not go home to vote,” Evins said.
Primary early voting runs from Feb. 10-23.
The American Democracy Project is open every week day until 4:30 p.m. for students to register. Their office can be contacted through email at [email protected], or by phone at (615) 904-8241.
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To contact News Editor Amanda Freuler, email [email protected]