Murfreesboro Police Department responded to a reports of arson and vandalism at Oaklands Park on Wednesday.
Oaklands Park, located at the corner of Roberts St. and N. Maney Ave, is home to the historic house museum Oaklands Mansion.
Officers met with Executive Director of the Mansion James Manning at approximately 2:15 p.m. Manning told police that one of the park’s waste cans located near a walking trail behind the pavilion had been set on fire by an unknown cause on Tuesday. The Murfreesboro Fire Department was called to extinguish the fire.
Manning also reported damage caused to part of the park’s fence that runs along Roberts Street. According to the police report, a rebar post was missing and a wooden post had been damaged. Manning told police that he believes this incident also occurred the night before.
There are currently no known witnesses or suspects to either the arson or the vandalism.
Amanda Freuler contributed to this report.
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