MTSU President Sidney McPhee speaks at the grand opening of the science building on Oct. 15. Photo by Bing-Nan Li.
Photo by Bing-Nan Li // Sidelines Archive
MTSU officials will hear budget requests and student success presentations from each college starting Monday, according to a university release.
President Sidney A. McPhee, interim vice president Alan Thomas and Faculty Senate president Tricia Farwell will hear presentations by deans from the university’s nine college and the James E. Walker Library during open meetings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Each presentation will highlight accomplishments of each department and how they are working to meet the standards set by MTSU’s “Quest for Student Success” initiative. Deans will also submit their budget requests for the upcoming academic year, which the university says must be tied in with the success initiative.
According to the university, the “Quest for Student Success” focuses on three areas: recruiting academically successful students, improving administrative processes and “enhancing the academic experience” through innovative curriculum.
The meetings will take place in the Student Union Ballroom and are open to the public. The full presentation schedule can be found below:
April 25
8:30 a.m. — Jones College of Business
10 a.m. — College of Education
1 p.m. — College of Media and Entertainment
2:30 p.m. — College of Graduate Studies
April 26
8:30 a.m. — College of Liberal Arts
10 a.m. — University College
2:30 p.m. — University Honors College
April 27
8:30 a.m. — College of Behavioral and Health Sciences
10 a.m. — College of Basic and Applied Sciences
2:30 p.m. — James E. Walker Library
Follow John Connor Coulston on Twitter at @JCCoulston.
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To contact News Editor Amanda Freuler, email [email protected]