MTSU Police responded to a simple assault and verbal dispute between an “Open-Air” preacher and a student in the Student Union Commons area on Oct. 26 around 2 p.m.
According to the statement to police made by the student involved in the assault, he noticed the preacher, John McGlone, inside the Student Union Building during the event involving the “Open-Air” preachers and proceeded to show McGlone his middle finger. The preacher and the student engaged then in an argument involving explicit language. The student explained to the police that he continued to display his middle finger, and the preacher began to take photographs of the student. After the verbal altercation, McGlone approached the student, stepped on the student’s foot and pushed his shoulder onto the student.
McGlone’s statement to police contradicts that of the student. According to the preacher, he entered the Student Union Building to use the restroom and was provoked by a student who shouted insults and an explicit statement about the preacher’s wife. McGlone stated that he had turned to confront the student and accidentally stepped on the student’s toe. McGlone explained that the student elbowed him in response, and the preacher elbowed the student to defend himself and push the student off of him.
After the police obtained both statements, the student exited the area to attend class and McGlone returned to the commons area to continue his event.
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To contact News Editor Amanda Freuler, email [email protected]