Photo by Eric Goodwin / Assistant News Editor
Murfreesboro Police responded to a reported domestic assault involving an MTSU student at Campus Crossings Apartments on Thursday at approximately 3:13 p.m.
Upon arrival, officers made contact with Marcellus Park, 24, who committed the assault, and the victim, an MTSU student.
The victim stated to police that the incident started when Park began to yell at her on the way home from the airport. When the victim and Park arrived at the apartment, Park grabbed the victim and threw her onto the bed and grabbed her by the back of her neck. Park then grabbed the victim’s dog, walked to the front door of the apartment and threatened to kill the dog, according to the victim. The victim then ran to the door and yelled for help.
The man who called the police about the assault was the tenant in the apartment upstairs from the victim. He stated to police that he heard the victim when she yelled. He stated that he put his ear to the wall and heard a woman scream, “Stop. Get off me.” He then called the police.
When interviewed by police, Park stated that they “were just arguing.”
After interviewing the victim, officers noticed scratches and redness on the back of the victim’s neck, which was consistent with the victim’s story. Officers also listened to the recording that the victim took during the incident, and it appeared to match her story. Park was transported to the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office for booking where he was charged with domestic assault.
To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
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