Photo and Story by Nick Jones / Contributing Writer
Professional drummer and musical instructor Ross Lester hosted an eventful, two-hour community “Drum Some” session at Old Fort Park on Wednesday, the longest day of the year.
Lester, along with the people of Murfreesboro, kicked off the first official day of summer with a jam, using a variety of instruments.
“There is no better way to celebrate than to express yourself through music with your very own community,” Lester said.
Men, women and children of all ages gathered with family and friends to begin the season in a positive environment. At dusk, many waited for the evening of drumming to begin. Ross and his crew warmly welcomed newcomers, and attendees were escorted to a seat with a percussion instrument. Ross stood in the center of the drum circle to conduct a rhythmic pattern within the group.
“Music positively connects people in a way where you’re feeling what they’re feeling in a moment in both lives,” said Bracken Mayo, founder and publisher of the “Murfreesboro Pulse.”
“Being involved in a musical environment, drumming the same pattern, but still having your individuality, has a special way of connecting people together,” Mayo said. “This is what I work to see.”
A diverse mix of people contributed to the rhythm: Babies ran around, tapped on drums and danced in the center; teenagers sang and danced in their seats while laughing with adults. Someone even joined the group after being compelled by the sound of the drums.
In hearing that, Lester’s face lit up.
“Well come on in,” he said. “Find an instrument and play what you feel.”
Many others arrived throughout the evening, and every person who entered the circle experienced a positive outlet to begin their summer the right way.
“I personally enjoyed watching everyone drumming in the same patterns and rhythms because people that don’t know each other are coming together and bonding through a connection through music,” said Joe Carr, an assistant host for the “Drum Some” summer celebration.
To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
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