Photo by Tyler Lamb / Sidelines Archive
On Wednesday, the MTSU Homecoming Committee announced on Facebook that the 2017 Homecoming theme would be the ‘90s. The post featured an image of the university mascot, Lightning, decked out in neon and leaning on a boom box.
The title, “The Fresh Raiders of the Boro,” was featured on the image. It plays off of the popular ‘90s television show “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.”

“I grew up watching this show every day after school when I was a child,” said Homecoming Director Alex Lineberry. “The entire committee also was in love with the show, so it was meant to be.”
Lineberry, an MTSU senior majoring in exercise science, said the SGA Homecoming Committee expressed enthusiasm toward the “decades” theme.
“Everyone was pumped about doing the ‘90s decade,” Lineberry said. “We did nothing but search ‘90s music, artists and television shows the whole meeting.”
The Homecoming theme last year was based on the Hasbro board game “Monopoly,” but the committee added a local flair with the title of “Raideropoly.” The celebration included events such as a “Glow Dance Party,” a Chili Cook-Off and a tailgate lunch before the football game against Western Kentucky University. The Hilltoppers defeated the Blue Raiders 44-43 in double-overtime.
This year, the Homecoming game will be a face-off against Florida International University on Oct. 7, whom the Raiders defeated last year. The game will broadcast on “ESPN3” and numerous radio stations.
As far as celebratory events are concerned, Lineberry said traditional student favorites will return, and other events are being planned.
“All the normal events like the Chili Cook-Off, Homecoming Intramural Games and, of course, the Homecoming Parade will be happening,” he said. “Other new and creative events are in the works as of now, but everything is coming together just perfectly.”
For those wishing to help with Fall Homecoming, Lineberry said he encourages “anyone and whoever to get involved.”
“Whether it is coming out to support, or even joining my committee, there are always opportunities,” Lineberry said.
Anyone interested in becoming involved with Homecoming may email [email protected].
The topic of a Homecoming Queen and King is always one that excites speculation and anticipation. Last year’s honors were given to Megan Berry and Denarius Stinson. Those interested in running for king or queen may contact SGA Election Commissioner Timothy Bassett at [email protected].
To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
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