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Contributions by Tayhlor Stephenson / Lifestyles Editor
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” is the newest rendition of the prominent superhero tale and, for the most part, it’s the homecoming many Spider-Man fans have been anxiously awaiting from the big screen.
While the newly released film stays true to its original storyline, which includes Peter Parker, acted by Tom Holland, disguising himself as a superhero in order to keep New York City safe from danger, it somehow refreshes fans with a vibe aimed toward a young audience.
The casting of a young Peter Parker and an especially young Aunt May, acted by 52-year-old Marisa Tomei — who lies the commonly mistaken grandmother role to rest — allows for a younger audience than past “Spider-Man” movies and comics.
But, for a film that undeniably targets a young audience, a respectful amount of vulgar language is used from the film’s start to its finish. Did the makers of “Spider-Man: Homecoming” miss their target here?
Perhaps not. The whole young-kid-vibe is reiterated through Peter’s character. Both whiny and immature, he is held to no accountability, even as he nearly injures those closest to him, including his boss, Tony Stark, acted by Marvel veteran Robert Downey Jr.
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” also provides more comedy than ever before. Even in scenes full of damsels in distress, the makers of the film made it their mission to squeeze a laughable line in the script. The majority of the film’s humor belongs to Peter’s friend, Ned, which adds a fun, uplifting element to the movie. That and the playing of videos, which contain Chris Evans as Captain America teaching various life lessons to high school students, allow this film its comedic check mark.
Of course every superhero movie needs a spine-chilling villain, and “Spider-Man: Homecoming” provides just that with Vulture, acted by Michael Keaton. With a master plan to destroy New York City instantly, Peter is forced to deconstruct Vulture’s plan any way he can.
In the film’s attempt to reward the “good guy” the ultimate victory, Spider-Man wears a suit that has the power to locate enemies. Both new and creative, this tactic deems successful in its anticipation it brings to the audience.
In order to set an appropriate mood throughout the movie, computer-generated imagery is used, and it adds dark undertones to the film’s picture. Brilliantly done, this allows various scenes to be portrayed as more dramatic, and in a result, more enjoyable. Scenes such as Iron Man’s attempt to save Peter and the other passengers in a ferry boat explosion and the iconic scene of Liz, Vulture’s daughter, saying her final goodbye to Peter as she prepares to move with her mother immediately before her father’s court trial begins benefit greatly with the use of CGI.
Although there was no Uncle Ben in this film, Aunt May’s character makes up for his absence. She’s the influential female figure in Peter’s life, and its up to her to set the boundaries regarding danger. She does so well by avoiding the dreaded lecturing of a young boy. Rather, she advises Peter. Marisa Tomei is the “cool aunt,” and she delivers a solid role of a wisdom-carrier and supporter.
Overall, the film doesn’t stray too far from its original storyline, but it keeps the audience on their toes with enough new material. With funny dialogue and the use of impressive special effects, “Spider-Man: Homecoming” belongs in the must-see category. The film’s strong acting skills delivered throughout the entire film team up with the witty script to only catapult this film from a great movie to an excellent one.
To contact Lifestyles Editor Tayhlor Stephenson, email [email protected].
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