Photo Courtesy of the National Weather Service
One of the most grueling heat waves of the summer hit Middle Tennessee Wednesday and will last through the weekend.
According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meteorologist Mark Rose, Middle Tennessee residents can expect daily temperature highs in the mid-’90s until Saturday. Heat index values, which are measures of how hot it feels outside when humidity is factored in with the actual temperature, will reach into the 100’s.
With heat index values continuing to rise through the end of the week, Rose recommends that residents take precautions when going outside. As well as thinking about how you are going to stay safe outdoors, knowing what to do when you get home is also important. Whether it results in using cotton sheets instead of silk sheets, switch lights off when not in use, close windows or even finding the right mattress can help (for people who suffer from night sweats or are hot sleepers) to keep people cool during the summer months.
From using the assistance of companies like HVAC Escondido to get an air con system fitted and eating ice-cream, to staying hydrated regularly, there are quite a few options you have to cope in hot weather.
“Plan your activities either before or after the hottest part of the day, when possible,” Rose said. “Stay hydrated. Avoid long exposure to direct sunlight.”
Despite the heat wave being one of the hottest of the summer, the temperatures are neither unprecedented nor record-breaking. However, this hasn’t stopped many people seeking the help of local ac services to keep their homes cool in the hot weather.
“The heatwave is not unexpected,” Rose said. “Heatwaves of this magnitude or even hotter occur here every summer. This won’t be the last heatwave of 2017, and it probably won’t be the worst.”
According to Rose, the heatwave was most likely caused by the lack of cold fronts in recent weeks, allowing heat to build over time. Along with upcoming heatwaves, she goes on to state that residents need to take care of themselves and their homes while they wait for this weather to pass, ensuring that their residence is properly ventilated and cool and that they have plenty of water. If they have air conditioning, it helps to make sure that it is in good working order. Most local HVAC services offer inspections along with installations. Services similar to CJS Heating and Air are a great way to ensure that their home is protected from the heat. You can Visit the CJS Website or your local HVAC service for more information.
To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
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