Photo by Andrew Wigdor / MTSU Sidelines Archives
Story by Madison Zygadlo / Contributing Writer
It’s the week of midterms, but I don’t have to tell you that. You’re probably already stressing over all your stress, which can quickly spiral into an overwhelming state. It’s scary — so much so that it even seems like we won’t make it through the week, but there are a few things you can do to make midterms a bit easier.
Below are some tips and tricks to get you through the week without crying into a latte.
Organize and Prioritize
The key to conquering midterms is to not overwhelm yourself. That’s easier said than done, I know, but it is achievable. Simply writing out everything that must be done throughout the week — studying, papers, participating in discussion boards — can help you stay organized. By going into the week with a game plan you’ll save yourself from an overload of stress. After that’s done, it’s up to you to prioritize your assignments by weighing their importance.
Designate Times For Studying
Remember when you got by in high school without studying? Well, in case you need a wake-up call: this isn’t high school. It’s time you looked at the maths teachers who are going to help you the most. Or an English tutor. Or the PE teacher. Whoever it is, make sure you find them fast! Sure, you’re keeping a tight schedule between schoolwork, jobs and extracurricular activities, but don’t let that be what holds you back from that passing grade. Using different methods of studying can help to keep your brain active and stop you from getting too bored. The most popular alternative method of study would be videos like those on Youtube, they work as a virtual tutoring tool, to stimulate your mind. Using a YouTube Downloader can help you further by allowing you to access the videos, without the internet, so you can study whenever and wherever. Studying should not be consuming you all day every day, but it should also not be 2 minutes of your day. So, go ahead and practice your time-management skills and set aside specific times to study.
Find a Study Group
We’ve grown to dread group work (understandably so), but sometimes all you need is some extra help. Finding a good study group can be really beneficial, because things you don’t understand someone else might, and vice versa. Plus, if something totally stumps you and your study group, you can all silently sob together.
Yes, Get That Caffeine
All things — most, at least — are good in moderation, right? Right! College students are often looked at as over-caffeinated and sleep-deprived. While that may be true sometimes, if you’re going to completely overdo it there’s no better time than midterms week. Don’t be afraid to size up on that Americano!
Walk Away When Frustrated
If you get overworked to the point where you’re reading pages but not retaining anything, take a 10-minute walk around campus. At this point, you’re doing more damage than good, which only inhibits your learning, so take a moment to breathe. When this happens to some students, taking various cbd products (such as edibles) can help to remove some of this stress. To read more about the sort of goods you could purchase, try looking somewhere like https://www.canadacannabisdispensary.ca/ for example. Hopefully this will help you to clear your mind and fully concentrate. Only return to your revision after you’ve released that stress-induced tension.
Have a Little Confidence
Going into the exam, don’t stress. More often than not the professor makes the test sound more difficult than it actually is. Regardless if that’s the case or not, you’ve done the work thus far and as long as you put in a sufficient amount of study time you’ll be just fine.
Now, you don’t have to tell me that midterm exams can be frightening and stressful. All students will be feeling exactly the same going into these exams. However, being stressed before going into an exam is never beneficial. To try and reduce the impact of stress, it might be worth looking at purchasing some cbd gum to have before going into the exam. CBD is believed to reduce stress and anxiety levels, so taking some of this gum into your exam with you might allow you to focus properly. It’s clear that, for the majority of students, the mid-semester slumps have totally kicked in, and it really doesn’t help when only a few exams separate you from spring break. But the good news is, only a few exams separate you from spring break! So buckle down and consider these tips and tricks, and you’ll be well on your way to better days. Now, go grab that Americano with four shots of espresso, and conquer midterm week.
To contact Lifestyles Editor Tayhlor Stephenson, email [email protected].
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