To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
For more news, follow us at, on Facebook at MTSU Sidelines and on Twitter at @Sidelines_News.
MTSU Sidelines • March 25, 2018 •
Photo and story by Kiera Jones / Contributing Writer
Students were encouraged to write inspiring messages on rocks in the Keathley University Center on Thursday as a part of MTSU’s “Love Your Body Week.”
Women’s History Month, which is nationally celebrated during the month of March, is an annual observance that highlights women in history. One of the ways that MTSU celebrates the month is through Love Your Body Week.
“Love Your Body Week is a part of National Women’s History Month at MTSU, and we are just encouraging women and men to love their bodies and treat them well,” said Abbigail Tracy, an MTSU junior and statistics major.
All Love Your Body Week events are sponsored by the June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students. Tracy, who is also the student grant coordinator for the JAC, was stationed at the table on Thursday to explain the purpose to passing students.
“Tomorrow, we’re going to distribute the rocks probably around every building just in case students get a little stressed out,” Tracy said. “They can find them around the yards and be encouraged.”
A variety of students gathered at the table to paint rocks with their own unique and inspiring message.
“I actually think this is a great idea, because how would you feel if you randomly saw an encouraging rock on campus?” said Trodaisia Kyle, an MTSU freshman and journalism major. “It would lift your spirits.”
Fern King, a freshman and computer information systems major, wrote on her rock, “Follow your dreams and not a boy.”
When asked why she chose to write her message, she responded, “A lot of young girls get caught in trying to be a boy’s everything and forget to pursue their own dreams.”
To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
For more news, follow us at, on Facebook at MTSU Sidelines and on Twitter at @Sidelines_News.