Story by Carlee Reilly / Contributing Writer
Alice Merton, an alternative singer/songwriter, released her first EP, “No Roots,” this past Friday. Strong guitar & bass lines alongside driving drums fill the EP and give it the right amount of upbeat attitude—even on her slow songs. Her indie-pop, alternative-dance style is comparable to a poppier version of Elle King.
The EP begins with its titular single, “No Roots,” with a bass line similar to the style of the band DNCE providing a foundation to the song. Although the drums and guitar add fun elements to the song, the bass is the critical piece. The song’s meaning appears close to Merton’s heart because of how often she’s moved around—never laying any distinguishable roots down in her life.
The standout song of the project is “Lash Out,” with its guitar, bass and drum keeping the song pumping through the verse while the chorus’ high-hat has a very poppy feel to it. This is a song that anyone can find themselves dancing along to—a jam in every sense.
“Jealousy”—the first calmer track—begins with a tranquil piano lead but picks up the intensity with a clean guitar sound, another amazing bass line and some drums. The song is a fight between Merton and her jealousy, a long-lasting chase signified by rapid drums and amplified anxiety, constantly building toward the bridge where it finally stops at the line “I can’t breathe.” The instruments are gone yet the chase continues on.
The release’s final song, “Lie To My Face,” has an ascending piano which creates a build similar to the atmosphere of Adele’s “Skyfall.” The grand piano sound gives an elegant touch to this heartfelt broken love story. Her voice gives the impression that Merton is on the verge of tears during the chorus, with seemingly all emotion being put into the song, one for a heartbroken soul still hung up on their cheating ex.
Alice has the line “I’ll be ready when the moment comes” in “Hit The Ground Running,” and it seems like her time has come in the US music scene. After seeing success from her singles and EP in Europe—specifically in France—it was time for this songwriter to take over the American charts. With an appearance on Jimmy Fallon shortly after releasing the single “No Roots,” Merton took off and set the stage for this new EP. There has been a need for a new female artist—unique in their own regard— to take over mainstream music and it seems that we may have found her.
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