Photo by Eric Goodwin / MTSU Sidelines Archive
Murfreesboro Police responded to an aggravated burglary, in which an MTSU student reportedly punched and dragged an intruder from his residence on North Maple Street on Saturday at approximately 1:52 a.m.
Upon arrival, officers made contact with the resident of the North Maple Street address, who is an MTSU student. The resident explained that he was in his bedroom and was “getting intimate” with his girlfriend, who is also an MTSU student. The resident stated that he heard his girlfriend gasp in surprise. The resident looked behind him and saw a dark-haired and bearded man watching the resident and his girlfriend. The resident then got off of his bed, struck the suspect in the face, “drug” the suspect to the front door and threw the suspect out of the home. Officers noticed blood drops on the carpet, floor and living room door frame in the residence.
Officers attempted to make contact with the suspect but were unable to do so. The resident explained to the officers that the suspect had entered the residence through an unlocked door.
This is an important notice to remember to keep all of your doors locked and keep your home safe. Security for your home is vital and it’s very lucky that neither party in this altercation was hurt.
To contact News Editor Andrew Wigdor, email [email protected].
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