Toriana Williams / Contributing Writer
Photo courtesy of MTSU
Due to students and other community members not adhering to Middle Tennessee State University’s social distancing guidelines, President Sidney McPhee imposed a two week moratorium on all non-academically related campus events and activities on Aug. 21.
On Sept. 4, McPhee informed the student body that the campus-wide moratorium restrictions will be reduced on Sept. 8 through Sept. 29.
“I will allow student organization meetings and activities of fewer than 50 participants. Campus space reservations will be permitted for student extracurricular activities as long as no more than 50 participants are in attendance – and all social distancing and masking requirements are strictly observed,” said McPhee in an email sent out on Sept. 4.
If students and the community can continue to follow the guidelines mentioned above, current restrictions will be reduced as well.
MTSU will continue to monitor everyone’s efforts in adhering to the lessened restrictions. However, they will “reverse course and prohibit campus activities,” if needed.
McPhee stated, “We appreciate your patience and commitment to helping to keep your fellow students, faculty and staff safe and healthy. We are hopeful that we will succeed in being able to keep the campus open and operational, but our ability to do so depends on our mutual efforts.”
To contact News Editor Toriana Williams, email [email protected].
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