Story by Michael Cremin | Contributing Writer and Ethan Pickering | Lifestyles Editor
Photos by Jonathan Salazar | Sidelines Photographer
Indie rock band “Hippo Campus” came to Middle Tennessee State University as a part of 2021 Homecoming festivities.
The Minnesota-based band was hosted by Spare and the Student Government Association as a free event for all MTSU students in celebration of Homecoming.
The concert drew a sizable crowd at the Student Union Ballroom, and proper COVID-19 safety measures were in place. Masks were required for all.
Member of the MTSU Signature Events Committee, Bre Beahler, managed the “Hippo Campus” concert and helped land a spot with the band.
“As part of the signature events committee, we all work together to bring acts that we think MTSU would love, and ‘Hippo Campus’ was one of them,” said Beahler.
“‘Hippo Campus’ is one of my favorite bands, so it’s a very big accomplishment of mine to be able to book my favorite band at my university,” commented Beahler on the headlining concert.
MTSU isn’t a stranger to the big name music scene. Lil Yatchy and Black Bear came to Murphy Center in the spring of 2018 and country singer Chris Young is an MTSU alumni.
Hippo Campus drew a good crowd of students who were excited to see such a big name band perform.
“They are one of the only groups I have seen around campus that I’ve recognized. I saw the sign walking to class and knew they were somewhere on my playlist,” said an MTSU student named Kelly.

“I’m not as much of an indie rock guy but I figured a band this prolific and notable coming out here, I gotta go!” said another MTSU student named Nate.
“This is the first big show we’ve been able to have since covid and it’s so exciting,” said Beahler, expressing a shared joy and hopefulness of live music returning to the scene.
“Hippo Campus” will start officially touring in February of 2022, and will be making a return to Nashville on Feb. 25, 2022 at the Brooklyn Bowl. Tickets are on sale now for their upcoming tour.