Story by Ethan Pickering | Lifestyles Editor
Photo credit to “dear.murfreesboro” on Instagram
Some of us know about “dear.murfreesboro” on Instagram. What appears to be just an internet meme page is actually hiding a bit more under the surface.
According to the page creators, it serves as commentary on the culture of Murfreesboro and its people as a whole.
Hosted by a duo of anonymous internet content creators, “dear.murfreesboro” offers some hilarious content almost daily. Most all the memes featured are somehow or another Murfreesboro themed in a very relatable, and sometimes even too-close-to-home, way.
“The page is a way for us to channel our creativity while raising awareness and encouraging engagement of a community we are proud to call home,” said one of the anonymous creators who runs the page.
The two creators of the page produce majority of the content posted, but recently they have been taking submissions from fans and featuring their works of viral comedy.

“The page is about Murfreesboro, not about us,” said one of the curators of the page.
Starting in late 2019, “dear.murfreesboro” has since accumulated 17 thousand followers on Instagram as of 2022.
“The page really started to take off in June 2020,” said one of the owners, “We made a lot of content about the George Floyd vigil on the square that escalated with tear gas and arrests. Our content really seemed to resonate.”
A connection is present within the Middle Tennessee State University community as well. A lot of MTSU students follow the page, and one of the owners of the page is an alum themselves.
“Our content seems to connect with a younger generation,” said one of the owners, “I’m an MTSU alum so it makes me proud that my alma mater appreciates the content.”

The page is full of funny jokes that anyone living in the ‘Boro will relate to and laugh at. The page serves as a sort of virtual scrap book to Murfreesboro today. From the bad traffic and awful driver, to the jokes about life in suburbia, “dear.murfreesboro” will keep you entertained.
“We felt there was an opportunity to present an alternative perspective on Murfreesboro,” said the creators, “Laughter is the best medicine, so the content may seem to make fun of the town, but it’s done with love.”
Follow them on Instagram, visit their website and check out some of their branded merch or get into direct contact with them at [email protected].
To contact Lifestyles Editor Ethan Pickering, email [email protected].
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