Entrance to Middle Tennessee State University campus at East Main and Old Main Circle. (MTSU photo)
Reported burglary, aggravated assault and fondling decreased by 60% on Middle Tennessee State University’s campus in 2021, according to the school’s Annual Security Report. Hate crimes also went down by 43%, and reported instances of domestic violence went down to one, compared to five in 2020.
The annual report presents crime data for on-campus locations and public areas attached to it.
However, motor vehicle theft increased from one on-campus incident in 2020 to three occurrences in this last year. There has also been an increase in rape by 67% with three accounts on campus and two in student residences.
Stalking on campus went up by 16%. In 2020 there were eight accounts of stalking, and in 2021 it increased to 10 between campus and student residences.
Liquor, drug and weapon violations, including both arrests and disciplinary referrals, increased by 11% last year. Drug-related arrests increased by 13 counts to a total of 54 arrests. Most of these were in public areas rather than on campus, however. In comparison to 2020, which had zero weapon-related incidents, this year’s report has three, two of which were unfounded.
In the non-clery, voluntarily reported crimes, vandalism, simple assault, intimidation and larceny all increased. Vandalism went up 38% within the last year while simple assaults almost tripled. Intimidation also increased a surprising amount with only five accounts occurring in 2020 and 15 reported incidents in 2021. Larceny increased by 30%.
To contact News Editor Matthew Giffin and Assistant News Editor Kailee Shores, email [email protected].
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