Samuel McIntyre
Ana Grosh entertains at Diana Street on Dec. 7, 2024. (Photo by Sam McIntyre)
Feature photo by Sam McIntyre
Story by Kerstie Wolaver
Sid’s Lucky Number 7 vends vintage wares at Diana Street on Dec. 7, 2024. (Photo by Sam McIntyre)
With finals season approaching and the temperature dropping, a Murfreesboro venue saw no better time for a holiday festival. Saturday night at Diana Street, eight artists and a DJ showcased their talents to a crowd of chilled fans at the Fa-La-La-Li Daze music festival.
Onlookers sipped on Red Bull or hot cocoa while shopping at thrift vendors Sid’s Lucky Number 7 and Pain in Sin. They also picked up free hand warmers to fight the cold and participated in an ugly sweater contest and a toy drive.
Kicking off the day’s festivities, Ana Grosh took the stage looking festive in a red knit sweater and hat, with a white scarf wrapped around her neck to fight the cold. She opened her set with “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree,” backed by a four piece band.
“Y’all can come closer, it’s warmer up here,” Grosh said as she continued to serenade the early bird crowd with fun-filled originals
Teejay of Emery and Teejay warms up at Diana Street on Dec. 7, 2024. (Photo by Sam McIntyre)
The second act, Emery and TeeJay, brought a different sound to the festival. Taking the crowd from Grosh’s alternative indie sound and bringing them into a cheerful performance, frontman Emery sang and rapped through the set, occasionally picking up the guitar. His counterpart Teejay spent the set swapping between keys and guitar.
“Buddy Guy Friend” elevated the audience’s mood with silly, laughter-provoking lyrics. The pair also introduced a song called “Twos,” from their latest EP, “Keeping Me Alive,” telling the crowd, “everyone looks better in twos.”
The shivering crowd gathered around the bonfire between sets. Despite temperatures in the 30s, the crowd stuck around for the next act.
Midsummer Motel made their entrance as the sun set behind the trees, much louder than the acts preceding them. The growing crowd huddled around the stage as the group played original songs such as unreleased “Full 180” and “Something in the Water” and danced around on stage.
They continued into a cover of Billy Idol’s “Eyes Without a Face,” keeping the crowd’s energy high despite the cold weather.
Kay-T entered the spotlight next, wearing an ensemble that included a floor length black leather coat, sunglasses and platform boots. Her smooth voice and R&B sound enchanted the crowd as she played multiple original songs and bantered with those standing nearest.
She introduced “Real,” her latest original released to streaming platforms.
Chaz Crawford took the stage backed by his four piece band, bundled up tightly against the cold. With his signature indie sound, Crawford is no stranger to Diana Street.
“Man, it’s good to be back. Can I get a hell yeah?” Crawford said, met with cheers from the crowd.
Crawford introduced his new album, “HQ,” and discussed its sentimental value. He wrote it after settling down in a new place and finding new people to call home
Under The Wind has also frequented the back porch-turned-stage during their musical careers — half of the band lives at Diana Street. Bedecked in ugly Christmas sweaters, the group’s energy shifted the entire crowd as they took the stage.
“Thank you so much Diana Street,” frontman Ethan Cambell said between songs with a wine glass in hand. “Thanks for hanging out with us, we know it’s cold.”
A happy group gets cozy at Diana Street on Dec. 7. 2024. (Photo by Sam McIntyre)
Cade Ortego and the Moodswings, the night’s headliner, appeared before their audience decked in ugly sweaters. With smiling faces they tore into “Sophia,” an original full of solos to spotlight the band members individual talents.
The band then debuted “Christmas Bummer,” a funky original. They continued to impress with a cover of “I Want You Back” by the Jackson 5, and took that straight into their own song “Trophies.”
After introducing themselves and some banter with the crowd, the band broke into the original song that gave them a name: “Mood Swinging”
The group shut down the night with a Christmas-flavored parody cover of James Brown’s “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag.”
After a night of holiday fun, the music stopped and the crowd dispersed. The students among them felt grateful for a short time in a musical winter wonderland before returning to the chilling reality of finals week.
Kerstie Wolaver is a Reporter for MTSU Sidelines.
To contact the Lifestyles Editor, email [email protected].
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