Feature Photo Courtesy of Mental Floss
Photos and Story by Reana Gibson/Contributing Writer
On November 8, MTSU Sandbox held their Comic Book Networking Night at the Student Union.
The event was hosted by MTSU alumnus and Sandbox member Will Nolan, who wanted to use this event as an opportunity for content creators to get together and build connections for future potential projects.
“The idea behind this is to leave money out of this as much as possible. Depending on how passionate you are about this, you will understand that both the writers and artists can’t always afford to shell out money,” Nolan states.
Money is an important factor in the creative industry. However, creators are not always able to pay for when they need to create content which is the main way they break into the industry.
The night started with the attendees introducing themselves and their portfolios which ranged from writing to filmmaking. Following the introductions, the attendees got together and shared their information. Refreshments were served during the event.
The night ended with the sign-in sheet and board filled with social media handles, online portfolios and emails for the attendees to contact others for future potential collaborations.
“I had such a hard time finding an artist for my own comic that I had to outsource it to Brazil,” stated Nolan, “I wanted to try and give people a chance to meet other people who were like me and had no idea where to start. I wanted to give them a place to start.”
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