Photo by Angele Latham / MTSU Sidelines
With the unofficial vote count in from Tuesday’s midterm elections, Rutherford County Election Commission data shows that 99,602 people voted in Rutherford...
Photos by staff
Story by Anthony Merriweather / Mutlimedia Editor, Hayden Goodridge / Reporter and Janecia Gales / Contributing Writer and Andrew Wigdor / Editor-in-Chief
Tuesday's midterm elections...
Photos and story by Angele Latham / Contributing Writer
MTSU students and Murfreesboro residents flocked to the polls as the Nov. 6 Election Day got underway. With seemingly endless lines of people waiting...
Photo by Samantha Hearn / MTSU Sidelines Archive
Story by Ghaliah Almuyidi /Contributing Writer
Rutherford County had over 40,000 more early votes in the 2018 midterm elections than it did in the 2014...