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The Student News Site of Middle Tennessee State University

MTSU Sidelines

The Student News Site of Middle Tennessee State University

MTSU Sidelines

Greg Mays, Director of Homeland Security at the Tennessee Department of Safety

9/11 Remembrance at MTSU: 21 years later

Ethan Pickering | Lifestyles Editor September 11, 2022

Story by Jordan Reining | Contributing Writer Photos by MTSU Middle Tennessee State University hosted its eighth annual 9/11 remembrance ceremony on the 21st anniversary to...

"Battle of the Branches" Blood Drive honors 9/11

“Battle of the Branches” Blood Drive honors 9/11

Ethan Pickering | Lifestyles Editor September 8, 2022

Story by Stephanie Hall and Jordan Reining | Contributing Writers Photos by Reggie Johnson | Photographer Middle Tennessee State University hosted its annual “Battle of the Branches” blood...

How baseball helped turn the page for America after 9/11

CIM Digital September 10, 2021

Story by William Carter / Sports Editor Very few moments have occurred that completely shut down the sports world. Most recently, the Coronavirus pandemic shut down the majority of the world for months,...

Recap: MTSU holds its annual 9/11 memorial ceremony

Recap: MTSU holds its annual 9/11 memorial ceremony

Sidelines September 12, 2019

Photo and story by Mitchell Casteel / Contributing Writer MTSU held its fifth annual 9/11 remembrance on Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. at the Miller Education Center. This year’s guest speakers were the senior...

"The world that I knew that morning was gone:" MTSU community reflects on 9/11

“The world that I knew that morning was gone:” MTSU community reflects on 9/11

Angele Latham | Editor In Chief September 11, 2019

In honor of the 18th Anniversary of 9/11, MTSU Sidelines has asked for the members of the MTSU Community to share their memories of where they were on that fateful day. Below are quotes from current students,...

Campus 9/11 memorial honors veterans, families

Campus 9/11 memorial honors veterans, families

CIM Digital September 12, 2017

Photo by Caleb Revill / Reporter Heroes were honored and the perished weren’t forgotten at MTSU’s third 9/11 Observance Ceremony on Monday morning. The memorial was hosted outside of the Tom H. Jackson...

MTSU and Nashville host 9/11 anniversary events

Sidelines September 12, 2016

Story by Daniel Scroggins and Emily Neal // Contributing writers | Photos by Emily Neal / Sidelines Students, faculty and the public paid their respects to those who lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist...

MTSU students, staff remember 9/11

Sidelines September 11, 2016

Special to Sidelines: Fifteen years have passed and America’s wound from 9/11 remains just as fresh as the blue sky September day the twin towers fell in New York City. Time, it seems, does not heal...

Photo by Sarah Taylor.

Local weekend events will commemorate the anniversary of 9/11

Angele Latham | Editor In Chief September 9, 2016

Photo by Sarah Grace Taylor/ Sidelines Archive  On September 11, we will pay our respects to the thousands of American men and women who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks now 15 years ago. The...

Photo by Sarah Taylor.

Firefighters Climb Tennessee Tower to Honor Comrades Who Lost Their Lives on 9/11

CIM Digital September 17, 2014

Hundreds of firefighters gathered Sunday, Sept. 14 to climb the stairs of the William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower in downtown Nashville as a memorial to the 343 firefighters lost on Sept. 11, 2001. Each...

Local firefighters climb to honor those killed in 9/11 attacks

Local firefighters climb to honor those killed in 9/11 attacks

CIM Digital September 11, 2014

Local firemen will climb 110 flights of stairs this weekend to honor those who died in the September 11 attacks 13 years ago. During the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation's fifth annual stair...

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