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The Student News Site of Middle Tennessee State University

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The Student News Site of Middle Tennessee State University

MTSU Sidelines

Protesters marched Tuesday, November 24, 2014 in downtown Nashville at Shelby Street and Interstate 24 in memory of Michael Brown, a Ferguson, Missouri teen who was killed by a Ferguson police officer earlier this year. On November 23, 2014, a St. Louis, Missouri Grand Jury returned no indictment on Officer Darren Wilson in Brown's death. (Photo by Matt Masters/MTSU Sidelines)

Video: Protesters in Nashville after Vigil for Michael Brown

CIM Digital December 1, 2014

Hundreds gathered on Tuesday, November 24 to hold a vigil for Ferguson, Missouri teen Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer. A St. Louis, Missouri Grand Jury returned a "no...

MTSU Students gather in the Student Union Courtyard on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, to protest Michael Brown's death at the hands of a Ferguson officer in August

Photo by Sarah Taylor

MTSU Students Gather to Protest Michael Brown Case Verdict

CIM Digital November 26, 2014

Disgruntled students rallied in front of the Student Union Building on Tuesday, November 25 in protest of the St. Louis grand jury returning a no indictment verdict for Officer Darren Wilson late last...

Protests Flare and Buildings Burn in Ferguson, MO in Wake of Michael Brown Verdict

Protests Flare and Buildings Burn in Ferguson, MO in Wake of Michael Brown Verdict

CIM Digital November 25, 2014

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Smoke billowed from burned-out buildings and sidewalks were strewn with broken glass Tuesday morning after Ferguson erupted over a grand jury's decision not to indict a white police...

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Darren Wilson