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The Student News Site of Middle Tennessee State University

MTSU Sidelines

The Student News Site of Middle Tennessee State University

MTSU Sidelines

Marchers chant for biweekly pay as one student, Levi Dandridge holds up a sign that says “Biweekly Pay or I Freeze.” (Photo by Maia O'Brien)

Campus workers met by faculty while marching on campus for bi-weekly pay

Noah McLane, Kameron Scott, and Maia O’Brien December 4, 2024
MTSU campus workers marched for bi-weekly pay on Dec. 3.
MTSU James E. Walker Library sits at the heart of campus in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. (Photo from Sidelines Archives)

Are MTSU professors censored by the state?

Noah McLane, Lead news reporter November 22, 2024
Last week, students received a biennial campus climate survey asking if they can express themselves adequately at MTSU. The survey resulted from Public Chapter No. 268, which prohibits public higher education institutions from taking specific actions regarding divisive concepts and students' and employees' beliefs, ideologies or viewpoints. Governor Bill Lee signed it into law in 2023.
Nadine Strossen in discussion with Dr. Frank Lambert  at MTSU in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on Sept. 25, 2024. (Photo by Noah McLane)

First Amendment scholar Nadine Strossen delivers decades of free speech knowledge in MTSU lecture

Shauna Reynolds and Christiana Long September 25, 2024

First Amendment scholar, author and former American Civil Liberties Union president Nadine Strossen visited MTSU Monday for a candid conversation about First Amendment rights.  Nadine Strossen...

Photos: 20th annual 'Freedom Sings' music performance promotes First Amendment expression

Photos: 20th annual ‘Freedom Sings’ music performance promotes First Amendment expression

Sidelines October 1, 2018

Photos and story by Andrew Miles / MTSU Sidelines MTSU’s Dean of the College of Media and Entertainment Ken Paulson organized the 20th annual “Freedom Sings” music show at the Bluebird Cafe in...

In this video screen capture, Dean Ken Paulson of MTSU’s College of Media and Entertainment testifies Wednesday, Sept. 26, before the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C.

MTSU dean testifies before Congress on First Amendment rights, issues on college campuses

Angele Latham | Editor In Chief September 27, 2018

Photo courtesy of MTSU News MTSU College of Media and Entertainment Dean Ken Paulson testified in front of a Congressional committee in Washington, D.C., Wednesday to provide expertise on First Amendment...

MTSU receives ‘red light’ rating for restricting free speech

Angele Latham | Editor In Chief November 7, 2016

Photo by Tanner Dedmon / Managing Editor MTSU was issued the poorest rating for student free-speech rights by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, also known as, FIRE, on Nov. 1. FIRE...

​​John Vile, Dean of the Honors College, impersonates James Madison in celebration of Constitution Day Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015. Dean John Vile often gets dressed up as James Madison to Celebrate this event on MTSU's campus​ (MTSU Sidelines/ Austin Lewis)

Constitution Countdown: First Amendment

CIM Digital September 17, 2015

The Constitution Day, September 17, is the anniversary of the day in 1787 when the United States Constitution was signed. Though the Bill of Rights was not ratified until 1791, Sidelines will be breaking...

epaselect epa04811723 The Confederate flag at the South Carolina State House Building in Columbia, South Carolina, USA, 20 June 2015. Debate about the Confederate flag from the US Civil War that still flies on South Carolina's State House grounds in Columbia has flared since the racially motivated shooting in Charleston on 17 June, in which 9 people were murdered. 21 year-old suspect Dylann Storm Roof was arrested in North Carolina on 18 June. Calls for taking down the flag have grown on social media after the flag was seen flying at full staff, while the South Carolina and US flags flew at half staff in honour of the victims.  EPA/JOHN TAGGART

Free Expression, The Confederate Flag and the Ku Klux Klan

CIM Digital June 27, 2015

The current discussion on changing the name of Forrest Hall and the controversy surrounding the Confederate flag are both crucial ones to be had. However, the arguments are primarily centered around the...

Protesters march down Broadway on Tuesday, November 24, 2014. (Photo by Matt Masters/MTSU Sidelines)

Reporters and Alderman Visit MTSU to Discuss Ferguson

CIM Digital January 27, 2015

Two journalists and a St. Louis alderman will host a free public forum in Tucker Theater on Feb. 10 to discuss the reporting process behind the death of Michael Brown and the riots following. David Carson,...

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First Amendment