Photos by Angele Latham / MTSU Sidelines
In a solemn and reverent ceremony Wednesday evening, friends and family of Jackson Rumley, the MTSU student who died in a car crash on Jan. 10, held a candlelight...
Photo courtesy of Phi Kappa Tau / Twitter
Story by Andrew Wigdor / Editor-in-Chief and Angele Latham / News Editor
MTSU’s Phi Kappa Tau fraternity chapter suffered a loss Thursday night as member...
Photos and story by Joi Williams / Contributing Writer
Members of MTSU’s sororities and fraternities traveled back to the '90s Friday night as they battled it out for the first place title at the annual...
Photo by Andrew Wigdor / News Editor
Millions of people struggle to get to sleep every night so there are lots of products available that al claim to help you sleep better. Some people use medications,...
Photo Courtesy of Facebook / Darren Sirikoun
Darren Sirikoun, an MTSU student and a member of MTSU's Phi Kappa Tau, died on Saturday evening due to complications with a strain of pneumonia.