An MTSU Student Government Association senator, Kelsey Dempsey, was charged with public intoxication and underage consumption of alcohol on Aug. 29.
Rutherford County Sheriff’s Deputy Nathan Frost found Dempsey stumbling down Mercury Boulevard at 8 a.m., according to his incident report. The report states that Dempsey’s “level of intoxication” led Frost to believe she was “a danger to herself and the public.”
This is Dempsey’s second charge within six months. Her first charge was March 21 on Homecoming Circle for underage consumption. The first offense occurred before Dempsey was elected as an SGA senator.
According to the MTSU student code of conduct, disciplinary action may be taken against any student who proves to be a danger to him or herself or another person on or off campus.
Because Dempsey is a student leader, Haley Cobb, SGA executive vice president, said action could be taken against her. But Cobb noted that nothing can be done until Dempsey’s case is heard by the Office of Judicial Affairs and Mediation Services. According to the MTSU website, Judicial Affairs is responsible for investigating and determining disciplinary action for students who violate the code of conduct.
According to Lisa Simons, administrative assistant of Judicial Affairs, violations are usually reported by students, organizations or MTSU police reports. Simons did not verify that Dempsey’s case had been referred to her office.
If she is notified of a decision by Judicial Affairs, Cobb said she will meet with SGA’s internal affairs committee for possible further review.
Dempsey is scheduled to be in court on Oct. 9.