Veterans, friends and MTSU faculty gathered at the Andrew Miller Education Center Tuesday morning to honor Charlie Daniels’ contributions to the military.
MTSU held an official ceremony to unveil the new title of the Veterans and Military Family Center, named after the Southern musician and his wife, Hazel.
Charlie Daniels founded The Journey Home Project, a non-profit that seeks to rehabilitate veterans back to civilian life by connecting them with educational, healthcare and employment resources. The project has donated over $100,000 to the center on campus.
A new plaque to be displayed in the center was unveiled, as well as the new logo including military dog tags and an American flag-covered fiddle.
Guest speaker Gen. Keith Huber was joined by University President Sidney A. McPhee and Nashville Mayor Megan Barry. Former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and many other notable figures were in attendance.

Hazel Daniels took the stage soon after and thanked the university, enthusiastically quoting her husband, “Ain’t it great to be alive and in Tennessee.”
Charlie Daniels gave a speech of thanks to service members, stating, “Only two things protect the United States of America: the almighty grace of God and the U.S. military.”
The couple was presented with honorary MTSU football jerseys donning their initials and last name before the ceremony concluded.

The Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center is located on the first floor of the KUC building.
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To contact News Editor Amanda Freuler, email [email protected].