Photo Courtesy of YouTube
Story by Steve Barnum / Staff Writer
Sisqó’s album “Unleash The Dragon” will be turning 18 this year and, in a world filled with turmoil, this album is what humanity needs once again.
Back in 1999, the world united under a silver-haired man with the cojones to remind us of the one thing that’s truly important in life. What was that thing you ask?
Well, it was love.
With the “Thong Song,” Sisqó became an overnight sensation and a household name. Everyone was blasting the “Thong Song” and singing about ladies moving their butt, butt, butts, and then they would sing it again. It was the greatest metaphor for how the world needs to show more love.
Sadly, the song has faded off to the wayside and people have forgotten what is truly important all over again, and now the world is packed to the brim with political turmoil, war, racial tension and is seemingly falling apart all around us.
As an RnB singer, Sisqó broke those racial divides. Politics weren’t as mainstream as they are now, and it was a time of peace for the most part.
Coincidence? I think not.
He was an inspiration to so many people from so many different walks of life. He was like our modern-day Mozart. Heck, even my older brother wore a silver dragon necklace and begged our parents to let him dye his hair silver all the time.
I urge everyone to take a re-listen to “Unleash The Dragon,” and I promise the course of the world will start to change toward better days.
The album starts off with the title track, “Unleash the Dragon.” It pumps you up. It makes you feel what Sisqó feels. The world is holding you back and you are about to let the metaphorical dragon out because you’re tired of the world’s s***.
Breaking the next song down, “Got To Get It,” could be interpreted on how we all must love each other in order to be better individuals. Just look at these lyrics:
“Listen, now baby I can be a better man, better yet a gentleman. Fly you to Japan and back again. Spend a week in Puerto Rico. Baby, wait till I’m “finito.” Cause I’m feenin and I got to get a hit off you. What’s up, what’s up, c’mon I like to f***. I’ve got to figure out if you’re down because, baby, baby yeah.”
It also helps that the song is one catchy tune.
The next song, “Is Love Enough,” questions just that. Is love enough to look past each other’s faults? If you listen to the lyrics and Sisqó’s powerful and soulful voice, you’ll understand that love is indeed enough — as long as no one keeps stepping all over each other and everyone takes responsibility for their actions (like how some Americans feel about this past election). Just know that love will still keep us together in the end. Listen to this song and you’ll understand.
The next three songs perfectly capture what comes after forgiving and making up. In “How Can I Love You 2Nite,” “Your Love Is Incredible” and “So Sexual,” Sisqó may be trying to use sexuality as a metaphor for just that. And trust me, these songs are baby-making music. But to me there is a deeper meaning. We all just need to bring it in close, give a stranger a hug, love your neighbor and just spread joy all around.
Half way point! Here it is. The anthem. “Thong Song” is the glue to this album and is Sisqó’s main message. If this song hadn’t come out in 1999, Y2K probably would have happened. This song spreads so much happiness and makes the listener feel like nothing in the world can get them down. Rainy day? Play this song. Just got fired? Play this song. Pondering the meaning of life and God’s existence? Play this song.
The next two songs, “Incomplete” and “Addicted,” show how we can have all of the riches of the world but we would be nothing with love. Once we have that love within our grasps, we won’t be able to live without it.
Skip the next song. He kind of just rambles for a minute.
Then, if you are a human, listen to “Enchantment Passing Through.”
It opens up with “a few more days we’ll be home glory, ready they’ll be getting out the flags. With men, fists high, motive dilatory. Still, I only see a lot of snares.”
This could be Sisqó telling us that if we follow the path of love, we can overcome our obstacles, but we are still being slow to act.
“But maybe I am being far too gloomy. Yes, maybe I’ll make waves in pastures new. Find government and politics come to me. As naturally as I now talk to you.”
Can’t you see that all Sisqó wants from us is to love one another and to make our government work for us once again?
And he tells us this in such a powerful and uplifting ballad that is “Enchantment Passing Through.”
With the last song, “You Are Everything Remix,” on the pinnacle album “Unleash The Dragon,” the message couldn’t be more clear:
“You are everything, and everything is you.”
We are all connected to one another. We all feel the effects of our actions. Through thick and thin, we must let love shine through.
That is the message, and we need this message back inside all of our hearts.
“Now everyone get right.”
I might be the only one who sees how much of a necessity this album is to our future, but if you get nothing else from this just know that this album is still pretty catchy.
To contact Lifestyles Editor Marissa Gaston email [email protected].
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