Story and Photo by Savannah Williams | Contributing Writer
Middle Tennessee State University is hosting Customs throughout the summer to help new students transition into the community.
This themed orientation program mimics the process of entering a new country and going through customs.
New students are grouped together by majors, using country names to identify them.
Georgia Coffey is a new student from La Vergne, Tennessee and she has declared English as her major.
“Customs has made me feel a lot more comfortable,” Coffey said. “I’m a little bit nervous about finding my way around, but I’m really excited about finally getting to start classes.”
New students aren’t the only ones benefiting from Customs.
Parents can also find information through this orientation.
“I definitely think it can help students feel more comfortable about college since they’re able to ask anything they’re worried about to get acclimated on campus,” current student and Customs guide Christine Adalikwu said. “My favorite thing is the parent panel; we answer questions for them and calm their nerves too because they’re letting go of their child.”
Not only does this orientation provide information about MTSU, but it also gets students excited to start college.
“I’m looking forward to starting my classes now that Customs has reduced my worries about where everything is and how it all works,” new student and psychology major Abigail Rodriguez said.
Customs is required in order to register for classes, and it offers different processes for whether students are coming straight from high school or from another college.
To contact News Editor Matthew Giffin, email [email protected].
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