By John Coulston
Assistant A&E Editor
With the SGA’s “546” plan raising student activities fees to help fund a “Signature Events” concert series passing by 73 percent , the question of how exactly the funds will be used still remains unknown.
The fee increase will not go into effect until the Tennessee Board of Regents approves MTSU’s tuition for 2014-2015.
“We have not been given the exact time of whether or not they will approve of 546,” said James Lee, SGA president.
The fees will give an increased allotment to student organizations, sports clubs, student programming and distinguished lectures. But as TBR begins approval process of the bill, students are wondering what plans the SGA has for the concert series. Lee could not elaborate on what students should expect.
Caroline Patton, freshman Music Business major:
THOUGHTS ON 546: “I am very excited about it. I think as the funding is properly placed and the right people are in charge of the big project that they are wanting to start, it will be really positive for MTSU.”
ARTISTS SHE WOULD LIKE TO SEE: “If I was thinking about this based off of who would bring the biggest crowd and the most hype about the event. I would say someone super mainstream but not the most popular artist. Artists like a Wiz Khalifa or maybe a Florida Georgia Line. But if I was planning it based off of what I think would be best for the student body at large, I would pick artists like Young the Giant or A$AP Rocky. Artists who have had a couple radio plays but aren’t the top of the food chain. I feel those kinds of artists would appeal to every type of student at MTSU.”
Jordan Rickabaugh, freshman, Psychology major:
THOUGHTS ON 546: “I think it’s great that it passed because it will not only allow more concerts to come to MTSU, but it will also give MTSU an opportunity to host a festival-type concert series comparable to Rites of Spring at [Vanderbilt University].”
ARTISTS HE WOULD LIKE TO SEE: Coldplay, Lana Del Rey, Band of Horses, MGMT
Madison Utley, freshman Music Business major:
THOUGHTS ON 546: “I believe that it will get more students involved in entertainment, and it’s not a lot of money to be added.”
Josh Ciminnisi, junior RIM major:
THOUGHTS ON 546: “I think it will be interesting to see how it plays out. It seems like a cool idea in theory but in the referendum they didn’t go into much detail on how the process will work. Who will decide which artists come to campus? Will I be able to see some of these signature events before I graduate? What exactly [are] considered ‘signature events?’ Is it just live performances or will it go to other aspects of student life? I guess all we can do is wait and see.”
ARTISTS HE WOULD LIKE TO SEE: The Head and the Heart, Bon Iver, Phoenix , Arctic Monkeys
Phillip Ray, freshman Electronic Media Journalism major:
THOUGHTS ON 546: “I’m pretty excited about it. I think this can really be something that can get students more involved. If more money is being put towards student activities, then I think students will feel like they are getting more out of their money. I feel it is definitely a great step in furthering student life and putting MTSU’s name out there.”
Dylan Aycock contributed to this report.
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