By Dawn Wyatt//Staff Writer
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump brought his “Make America Great Again” campaign to Middle Tennessee in a rowdy standing-room only crowd of 3,000 at The Factory in Franklin on Saturday.
In addition to the max-capacity crowd inside the auditorium, there was another 1,500 dedicated supporters outside, who were braving the cold, rainy weather, just to catch a glimpse of their candidate.
During his speech, the GOP frontrunner brought up the recent shooting at Umpqua College in Oregon, and President Obama’s demands for a gun ban.
“It’s been said that the Second Amendment is America’s first freedom,” said Trump. “That’s because the right to keep and bear arms protects all of our rights, which is so true. We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment and keeping that freedom is imperative, absolutely imperative.” Adding, “It’s not the guns it’s the sick people.”
“I’m a very, very big Second Amendment person,” Trump said, “it’s very important to me. I have a license to carry in up in New York.” He later confirmed that he is a member of the National Rifle Association.
Trump also had very strong views about the nuclear deal with Iran.
“Look at the horrible Iran deal,” Trump said, “and no one really knows what it means, but if Israel attacks Iran, we’re supposed to go in and protect Iran.” A reference made concerning Israel, America’s strongest ally in the Middle East. “Every time I talk about it,” Trump said, “I just can’t believe what we’re doing. It’s so big and so important – Nuclear.”
“We should have made a great deal and we blew it,” he said.
During the two-hour rally, Trump also reiterated his plans to build a huge impenetrable wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, “A huge wall that no one can get over.” He also pledged to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, saying when Obamacare kicks in in 2016, people’s premiums will increase by 75 percent.
Trump closed his speech with an encouragement to the crowd.
“There’s something special that’s happening, and I see it everywhere, said Trump. “We’re not only going to America great again, we are going to make it better than ever before.”
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Miller Martindale • Oct 9, 2015 at 2:59 pm
There is much to be said about the rising concern over gun control as we continue to get reports of University shootings, like what happened in Oregon at Umpqua College. With the Obama Administration demanding a gun ban after such acts, you must think to yourself are we giving up our civil liberties for a sense of more “security”? We as Americans have the tendency, to let our freedoms take a hit when our society does. Instead of thinking of a more logical solution for these shooting, people try and make a case against the weapons themselves.
Our Second Amendments right to bear arms, has been the reason Americans are able to enjoy the government we have, also our day-to-day freedoms. It is also essential to our keeping of the rights that we have standing today. It protects our freedoms, as well as our right to protect ourselves in any situation that would call for extreme measures of any kind. Whether that is in defense of ones home or tyranny in a Government. Any effort to take or keep citizens from obtaining a firearm if they so desire, would have to be seen as an unconstitutional act. Donald Trump in his effort to “Make America Great Again,” tackles this concern with a growing interest of what to do about the Obamas Administrations view of gun control. As well as what he thinks of the future for America and our involvement in the Middle East, between Iran and Israel. One thing is for sure, that we as Americans have a lot to think over as we decide on what the solution for keeping violence down in America should be. Whether we will give up another liberty for the sake of “security” has yet to be seen, but a decision that we will face in our future.