Story by Jamie Sontany / Contributing Writer
Photo by Toriana Williams / News Editor
Middle Tennessee State University held its Suicide Prevention Mental Health and Wellness Virtual Fair on Tuesday, Sept. 29.
Hosted by Counseling Services counselors as well as staff from the June Anderson Center for Women and Nontraditional Students, the fair featured presentations on several aspects of mental health, including suicide prevention, domestic and dating violence, mental health for adult learners and self-care in the time of COVID-19.
Kim Clarke, a member of the campus Counseling Services staff in the Keathley Center, discussed topics related to suicide prevention and awareness.
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause of death amongst college students.
According to America’s Health Rankings, in Tennessee, there are 15.7 suicides per 100,000 people, a rate higher than the national average of 13 per 100,000.
Ms. Clarke’s presentation also included critical information on causes of suicide, signs and symptoms and what you can do to help someone who may be suicidal.
Staff from the Power of One office at the JACWNS presented information related to domestic and dating violence, both of which are issues that often make their way onto college campuses.
Topics included how to identify healthy and unhealthy relationships, common relationship misconceptions and how to seek help or report an incident.
Other sessions during the virtual fair focused on mental health for nontraditional students, maintaining motivation during the pandemic, and making sure to practice self-care, including: maintaining good eating habits, getting plenty of sleep and trying physical activity for stress relief.
If you were unable to attend this year’s fair, presentations and a recording of the Zoom call will soon be available online.
To contact News Editor Toriana Williams, email [email protected].
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