Featured Photo by Sterling Brookins
Story by Lillian Chapman
The Student Government Association hosted the annual roller skating event in honor of homecoming week. Turning the REC Center into a roller rink, they dimmed the lights and let the fun begin.
“For homecoming week, at least every year I’ve been here, we always do skate night. It’s super popular with the students,” said Student Government Homecoming Director Kelsey Ladd. “It always brings out a huge, huge crowd.”
With a line to the door, skate night proved to be a hit.
“I don’t know how to roller skate, but I think I’ll have fun,” said Olivia Nuttall while waiting in line with her friends. She wore a jeweled cowboy hat and silver space pants to match this year’s homecoming theme “Once in a Blue Moon.”
Sticking to the theme, the gym was decorated with planets and stars. Middle Tennessee State University students sported glow sticks and smiles as they skated to the booming music.
Many students indulged in the small photo opporitunity set up at the entrance. Bright MTSU lights paired with silver balloons to give an out of this world experience.
“I thought it sounded like fun and I haven’t roller skated in forever,” said Ashlen Garner.
Funded by the SGA, the skates were free for every student. Some students brought their own skates to show off their cool moves.
SGA worked hard to organize this event. Cones were set out to map courses for students to utilize and practice in along with a large rink in the center of the basketball court.
Whether just learning to skate or considered an expert, all students were invited to skate together. Homecoming week is always full of varying events to unify the student body. It can help students destress from classwork and create memories on campus.
The SGA encourages everyone to bring their friends and have fun at more homecoming events this weekend.
To contact Lifestyles Editor Destiny Mizell, email [email protected]. For more news, visit www.mtsusidelines.com, or follow us on Facebook at MTSU Sidelines or on X at @MTSUSidelines.