Photo by Scott Broden/Daily News Journal
A Rutherford County Sheriff is currently facing an ultimatum made by U.S. Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern, concerning the sheriff’s domestic assault charges.
According to reports by the Daily News Journal, Robert Arnold returned to court on Wednesday for Judge Newbern’s ruling on whether Arnold violated terms of his pre-release trial agreement. Newbern decided that Arnold must either remain in jail until the upcoming trial or resign.
Originally, the Sheriff was charged for illegally selling JailCigs to inmates at Rutherford County jail. His release was set prior to his Feb. 7 jury trial due to a $250,000 release bond. However, it has been postponed indefinitely after Newbern’s Wednesday ruling. The new ruling was brought on by Judge Newbern deciding Tuesday that probable cause exists for the domestic assault charges brought on by Arnold’s wife.
The court’s Probation and Pretrial Services System amended its recommendation for release following his Tuesday night court hearing, where the new evidence was introduced. The evidence against Arnold includes a phone recording of his wife speaking with her boyfriend about the alleged assault taking place on Labor Day.
If he is to be released, he must agree to stay away from his wife and all Rutherford County deputies in addition to resigning.
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To contact News Editor Amanda Freuler, email [email protected]
pjmfall16 • Sep 29, 2016 at 5:50 pm
Stories like this really bother me for a many of reasons. The police department are suppose to be the people to support and protect our community but it seems lately its just one thing wrong after another. I realize that police are humans and are going to make mistakes, but a possible assault of his wife is unacceptable and should face severe punishment. Its not mentioned in this article but he should not still be receiving his six digit salary while he sits in jail. I find it to be a slap in the face that he can still get paid such high amounts of money to just sit in jail until his court date in February. I do realize that he is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law but it bothers me that this guy may still be the sheriff where I live after its all said and done. There is someone more worthy to handle the position than he is. Good for the judge for making him sit in jail until he resigns from his job, I completely agree with this decision.