Sidelines Guidelines: 6 tips to understanding MTSU parking


Photo by Tayhlor Stephenson / Lifestyles Editor

Story by Kashima Allen / Contributing Writer

Parking on MTSU’s campus can grow very frustrating, and it’s most disastrous within the first couple weeks of classes. With everyone actually showing up, students are left with the seemingly unsolvable puzzle that is trying to find a parking spot.

But, there are some tips and tricks that can help with the dilemma.

Plan ahead

Waking up 30 minutes before class begins isn’t going to get you a parking spot. Waking up with plenty of time to inspect the several lots on campus will, though. Allow plenty of time for parking.

Have a plan in place before arriving to MTSU. Decide which lots provide the best chance of finding a spot, and shoot for those first. Then, if need be, cruise the other lots. And don’t be greedy; some days, walking will be required because not everyone can get the best parking spot everyday.

Take what you can get

For those that already reside on campus, don’t even bother pulling out the car keys. Keep the car parked because the best bet here is to either walk to class or catch the bus. This way, the issue of parking is completely irrelevant, and by doing this, commuters are allowed a better chance at finding a spot.

Aim large

Though everyone prefers the small, close-to-class lots, available parking spots are difficult, and almost impossible, to come by in those lots without waiting a ridiculous amount of time for one. So rather than setting your sights on these lots, shoot to park in some of the larger lots; there are plenty around.

Use the parking garages

The parking garages were built for a reason, even though they aren’t similar to residential garages that come with insulation they are still great to house your car. They’re also great because you don’t have to drive around the lot in vain; the signs that sit just outside of each garage indicate when a garage reaches capacity. This saves each student the hassle of weaving in between aisles in search for a spot that may or may not even be there.

Even if the only few spots left are located on the very top level — which will be the case if you get to campus later in the day — any parking spot is better than no parking spot.

Take the shuttle

For those living off-campus, the shuttle could easily become your best friend. This way, you can avoid the madhouse of MTSU parking altogether. Doesn’t that sound like a great way to start off each day? Because face it, MTSU parking is a mess.

Give it time

After a few weeks, the caravan of cars pulling into campus each day will dwindle rapidly. Soon, classes will be skipped, opening many windows of opportunity (and spots) for those in search of decent parking.

MTSU campus parking is a recipe for disaster, but with these tips and tricks to back you, it shouldn’t be as horrid as the first couple of days back. Now, everyone is better equipped with just the right kind of parking knowledge it takes to create a successful MTSU parking scout and student.

To contact Lifestyles Editor Tayhlor Stephenson, email

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