Murfreesboro Police responded to a shooting at King’s Hookah Lounge on Middle Tennessee Boulevard at approximately 11:57 p.m. on Saturday evening. One of the two victims was a student at MTSU.
Upon arrival, the dispatched officer was met by the lounge’s private security guard who was asking for assistance inside the building.
Before they reached the hookah lounge front door, the officer noticed the MTSU student sitting in a car with a bullet wound above his left eye. The student was then transported to Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital.
A second victim had already left the scene of the shooting with a wound to their arm and was intercepted by police at the Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital Emergency Room.
Witnesses who had still not fled the scene were questioned by the police.
Murfreesboro Police detectives then took over the investigation.
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To contact News Editor Brinley Hineman, email [email protected].