Emily Austin // Contributing writer
Most college students tend to live unhealthy lifestyles. We sit in classes all day, stare at a computer for hours cranking out our research papers, stuff our faces with pizza, and then sleep for about five hours before doing it all over again. With finals coming up fast, students are even more prone to practicing these poor health habits.
Research anything about college health, and you’re likely to find a plethora of articles warning about “The Freshman 15.” According to a 2014 study by Northwestern Medicine and Northeastern Illinois University, college students are still at an increased risk of getting cancer and other health problems later in life. That is a proven risk.
Here are some tips on how you can lead a healthier lifestyle despite a busy schedule.
1. Drink more water.
Angela Ramos, an MTSU professor who coordinates yoga, Pilates, tai chi and activity dance warns to not drink your calories.
“Most people go over their calorie intake because of drinks,” Ramos said. “If you want something sugary, you can either have a dessert every once in a while or a soda, but most people do both.”
Sodas are packed with caffeine and sugar. Stop drinking soda and not only will your sugar intake go down, but you may also shed a few pounds.
2. Grocery shop and meal prep.
“I say you’ll save money if you grocery shop. That’s my biggest tip,” said Reginald Arthur, a junior exercise science major who works at the Rec Center. “Meal prepping is what’s saved me for the past few years; I’ve been in college.”
To meal prep, you pick a day to prepare all of your meals and put them in containers. In the long run, it should save you money and help you cut back on your fast food intake.
When grocery shopping, try to stick to the outer part of the store and avoid the center where all the junk food is. Plan ahead and pack plenty of fresh, healthy snacks for whenever you’re hungry so you won’t overindulge yourself later on. If you don’t want the hassle of food shopping and meal planning every week, it might be worth using a meal kit instead. If this is something that interests you, check out this blue apron vs hello fresh review to learn more about what’s involved.
3. Take a class.
There are plenty of physical education classes such as Pilates, yoga, aerobic dance, self-defense and personal conditioning. You could even try a 6-week fitness challenge if you really wanted to improve your fitness levels! By putting an exercise class in your schedule, it guarantees you’ll be active a few times a week because it is part of your grade. This will also allow you to learn correct form and keep you from making mistakes that could potentially injure you if you were to try the new activity on your own.

4. Use an app to keep track of your progress.
MyFitnessPal is a free app you can download for iPhone and Android. This app allows you to keep track of your calorie intake and how many calories you’re burning throughout the day. You log in how much you currently weigh, your goal weight, gender, age and how active you typically are.
This easy-to-use app will tell you how many calories you should be consuming daily to reach your goal weight by a certain time. After completing an entry each day, the app will tell you how much progress you’ve made.
MTDining supports MyFitnessPal and some of Aramark’s food on campus is registered into the database, showing you the nutrition facts and calories.
5. Use the Rec Center.
Every MTSU student can use the Recreation Center for free; all you need is your Student ID number. The Rec offers a weight room, cardio room, basketball court, swimming pool, fitness classes, personal trainers and information on intramurals.
“The majority of staff are exercise science majors, along with myself,” Arthur said. “We are more than happy to answer your questions.”

6. Get more sleep.
This is likely to be the most difficult one to accomplish. With classes, part-time jobs and social lives, college students tend to get little sleep. According to Brown University, college students are among the most sleep-deprived people in the country. Getting plenty of sleep may take some prioritizing. There are lots of ways to ensure you’re getting good quality sleep. Turning off electronic devices before you go to sleep can really help. The blue light emitted from our mobile phones/tablets can cause our brain to be hyperactive, meaning it’s harder for us to get to sleep. You should also make sure you’re sleeping on a comfy mattress with a comfy pillow. If your mattress isn’t comfy, you’ll definitely have trouble sleeping! Check out this Noa Mattress Review 2020 if you’re in the market for a new mattress, you won’t regret it! Sleep is so important so you should be doing everything you can to get a good night’s sleep.
According to Ramos, women tend to need eight hours of sleep while men need seven. However, college students need more.
7. Do more cardio.
Sitting around all day is bad for you, so move around any way you can. If you want to lose weight, you will need to work out about four to five times a week for 45 minutes to an hour.
If this can’t be accomplished, fit in movement whenever you can. Some time is better than no time at all. Have a 15-minute break? Go for a walk. If you have a long break between classes, use it as an opportunity to go for a 20-minute run at the Rec Center.
8. Make good habits and stay positive.
“Always be positive about working out,” suggested William Mack, a senior animal science major.
“Don’t look at it as a task,” Arthur added. “It’s important if you’re goal-oriented. It’s very good to implement a goal with exercise, because if it continues, it makes you get into the habit of coming in and just going with the routine that allows you to reach your goals.”
As well as making good habits, try not to make bad ones such as smoking, if you’re a smoker already and want to quit, you could look into something like a Vape Starter Kit while eventually decreasing your nicotine intake, and see if you’re lungs start to feel healthier while you’re at it.
For more health tips and news, follow us at www.mtsusidelines.com, on Facebook at MTSU Sidelines and on Twitter at @Sidelines_Life.
To contact Lifestyles Editor Rhiannon Gilbert, email [email protected].